you can make a differenceDIDI AID ASSISTANT
Have you ever thought about an enriching holiday where you live in a local community with a local family and become involved in a program, where you will contribute to creating a future and changing the destiny of a person, family or village?
Didi Foundation Nepal offers rewarding experiences where you can be immersed in Nepali culture, become part of a community and empower people through skills and education. As one person you can make a huge difference to lives of an individual person or a community by using your skills, expertise or just by assisting with language practice.
As a Didi Aid Assistant you can volunteer in our children’s education and welfare programs in schools, support children in care, help empower women through vocational training or assist in our community health programs.
As a Didi Aid Assistant, visitor or tour guest of Didi Foundation Nepal, you will consent to sign a law abiding contract. This contract ensures that you deliver the best ethical practice to the community you are about to serve and agree to the terms and conditions of Didi Foundation Nepal. All guests require a ‘Working with Children’ check.
CAN YOU HELP? Whatever skills you have we can use, even if it is just ‘English practice’
Women of Nepal are seeking empowerment even more so since the earthquake of 2015 and now the COVID pandemic. They are determined and have both enthusiasm and ambition to learn, create and develop a sustainable lifestyle for themselves. We are seeking persons to assist in implementing or supporting any of the following projects that will enrich their lives. We are also excited to discuss with you what skills or experiences that you feel that you can bring to the team.
- Sewing lessons | Embroidery lessons
- Knitting – crotchet projects | Paper making- craft projects
- Beauty training | Hospitality training
- Business management | Technology lessons
- English language lessons | Resume writing
- Health and safety for home cooking class
- Support women to set up a micro loan businesses
Help to Create a Future and Change a Destiny

Would you like to help one disadvantage child, teacher or school improve their standards or even just speaking to them in English? Then consider being a Didi Aid Assistant.
Government schools in Nepal are sadly very under resourced and cannot compete with privately funded schools. Our mission is to support these schools with resources and skills to be able to give their students equal opportunities and a competitive edge.
With support from Didi Foundation Nepal you can contribute by:
- Conducting teacher training sessions
- Supporting teachers in the classroom
- English language and technology support lessons
- Contributing to school resources
- Enhance technology in the schools
- Working with after school homework clubs
- Running after school art, craft and sport lessons
- Assisting with much needed classes and resources to support students in their education.
Education is the key out of poverty and will assist in uniting a nation and the world.

You will love this place. Our most favourite place in the world but you will have to toughen-up as these kids will just fill your heart.
If you want to step out-side the square then come spend time in a mountainous rural community, working at both this boarding school and local government schools. There is so much to do here. We can cater for any skills, from sewing buttons on ripped uniforms to building green houses to establishing post education work placements for Year 12 graduating deaf students. (Please note that our outreach programs entail increased fees)
Your help is needed in any of the following
- Teacher training | Hospitality training
- Craft Lessons | Technology lessons
- Children’s sewing lessons
- Sport programs
- Health and wellbeing education lessons
- General Maintenance
You will really feel like you are making a difference in the lives of these children, teenagers and the local community

If you have experience or an interest in health and would like to work alongside one of Nepal’s highly respected health official (who oversees our health programs) then you are in luck and you should consider joining the Didi Health Aid Team.
We can offer opportunities to:
- Support our child and maternal health program
- Participate in women’s reproductive health education programs
- Work in local and remote community hospitals and health clinics
- Participate in health programs for destitute and disadvantaged persons
- Health and dental treatment to disadvantaged children
- Run free community clinics from our small pharmacy
- Support the forgotten in aged care
- Implement hygiene programs to disadvantaged
If selected to work as part of the Didi Health Aid Team often opportunities exist at the time of your visit or if you have a speciality then programs can be created to support your expertise.

When you commit to being a Didi Aid Assistant team member, Didi Foundation Australia will support you in the process of preparing for your adventure. Once in Nepal you will be managed by the highly respected Didi Foundation Nepal team.
Any profits from your fees are re-invested into further developing Didi Nepal projects and a Didi Nepal representative will discuss with you where you would like these funds invested. They will work to the best of their ability to ensure the best possible outcome.
All team members must:
- Register with Didi Foundation Australia
- Have a ‘Working with Children’ number (Australia) and Police Check (overseas)
- Travel insurance
- Sign and agree to a binding contract
Your Didi Aid Assistant package provides experienced, professional staff who will take care of all your needs once you are in Nepal. They are available 24/7 to make sure you have the most rewarding experience and includes:
- Airport pick up
- 24/7 support and advice
- Language and cultural lessons on arrival
- Orientation tour of Kathmandu
- A safe and clean living environment with a Nepalese family who have been trained in health and hygiene.
- Private accommodation can be arranged at an extra cost
- Some travel arrangements to volunteering post
- Groups, families and students are catered for
Didi Aid Assistant Packages
(cost is shown in US dollars – prices are approximate and subject to currency fluctuation)
- 1 week USD $500 | 2 weeks USD $800
- 3 weeks USD $110O | 4 weeks USD $1500
- Every week thereafter TBA
To visit or work at the outreach programs incurs extra cost
Example: Travel to and from Sindhuli with driver/guide: USD $200
After expenses 100% profits goes towards Didi Foundation Nepal projects

The Didi Foundation Inc is an Australian registered Not for Profit Charity. ABN 37 055 803 721 with fundraising status CFN 22445
The DIDI Foundation is based on the Central Coast, NSW, Australia. Get in touch by sending us an email at: didifoundationinc@gmail.com